Sunday, September 18, 2011

Rebus–Something Found In A School!


Hi all,

It is time for another rebus swap to share with you all. With everyone talking back to school up in the Northern Hemisphere, our theme this month is “Something found in a School

If you would like to solve it, why not post a comment to this blog post with your answers. I will let you know what the correct answers are next time I post a rebus card here.

How did you go working out the solutions for my August Rebus which was “Songs from the 70’s” Rebus …. here are the correct answers for you to check how you did.

  1. Higher & Higher (Rita Coolidge)
  2. Joy to the World (Three Dog Night)
  3. American Pie (Don McLean)
  4. Dancing Queen (Abba)
  5. Piano Man (Billy Joel)
  6. Money (Pink Floyd)
  7. Brand New Key (Melanie)

How did you go?????

You can find all my past rebus cards here.

Just before I wrote this blog post, I did a Google search of rebus and clicked on images … I clicked on one of my rebus cards and was surprised when it took me to another site. Looking through the images in Google I discovered a lot of my previous rebus cards on various sites all unacknowledged. I am glad everyone is enjoying my rebus cards so much, but if you like it enough to add it to your site please include a link to my site with it. It is only polite!


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